Are you taking care of yourself?

The work has been hectic. You are stressed. There is no time to prepare food, so you just buy pre-made food on the way home and eat it in front of the TV? You know that it is not good for your health and you should be eating better, but you just don’t have energy to do otherwise.

Lately I have been feeling like that. As a single woman living on my own, it’s easy to forget to take care of myself. I don’t make any effort to prepare good meals. Fortunately it’s easy to find pre-made food in Japan. The grocery stores and convenience stores are filled with food that makes life easier for busy people. There are healthy options too, but I prefer to eat something that is prepared from fresh ingredients.

I believe that we are made of what we eat everyday. If our diet is healthy, our body will feel it. If we fill our body with unhealthy food, we will feel it too. It will drag our body and mind down. That’s why I want to nourish my body with good things.

What we do everyday shapes us too. If we spend all our free time scrolling on social media, it will affect our mood. Instead of doing things that we really want to do, we go for easy satisfaction when we are tired.

I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to take good care of myself when I am alone. I would do much better when someone else is there, because I was taught to treat others kindly. Why can’t I do the same when I am alone?

As a moral principle, we are told to treat others how you want to be treated. It is a good principle, but it doesn’t work if we don’t treat ourselves with the same respect and care that we deserve. As a matter of fact, women are told to prioritize others before taking care of themselves. That might be why it’s easier for me to take care of others than taking care of myself.

As I get older, I realize that the relationship that I have with myself is the most important relationship of my life. When we are a child, we rely on other people to take care of us, but as an adult, we have to take care of ourselves. But instead of learning how to take care of ourselves, we try to find someone, other than our parents, who can take care of us.

So I am consciously treating myself better now. Starting from taking time to prepare good food. I would like to prepare something tasty, but I know that I would be asking myself too much because of my poor cooking skills. But at least I will eat plenty of organic vegetables, that would be good for my body and for the planet.

I also spend less time scrolling on social media and more time on reading good books. That would nourish my mind better.

Whether you are single or in a couple, it is always important to take care of yourself.

Imagine that you are in the presence of a very important person. How would you treat this person? Compare that with how you are treating yourself. Are you taking care of yourself like you would treat someone important?

If you are not treating yourself as well as you would to someone important, start treating yourself better. Give yourself the treatment that you truly deserve.